Bowls Bash
Penticton Lawn Bowling Club is excited to introduce Bowls Bash, a new version of lawn bowls, which is easy to play and fun for all ages and abilities. Bowls Bash will be rolled out at PLBC during 2023, providing greater opportunity for people to give bowls a go.
Research shows that 93% of non-bowlers feel they are capable of playing bowls and 37% would like to try the sport, but the main barriers to participation are not having enough time and the perception that bowls is slow. Retaining its core premise and authentic qualities, whilst complementing modern lifestyles, Bowls Bash is an action-packed form of the game played in pairs or triples and lasting just an hour or two. A two-set match, with a deciding tie-break, coupled with a new scoring system provides greater opportunity for players to enjoy success and more potential for drama throughout the game.
Want to know more or how to play? Go HERE